100 Indie Mental Health Songs to Promote Healing and Offer Support

Dani Saliani here. This post will be different than most but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long while. Music has personally gotten me through intense challenges in life. Ever since Daniel Powter gave me permission in 2005, when I’m having a bad day, to “sing a sad song just to turn it around,” I’ve often done just that. I know many of us feel music in that way. My favorite “genre” is upbeat, pop/punk-ish songs with sad yet relatable lyrics. 

For me, this type of music has helped with recognizing I’m not alone in my struggles, which is therapeutic in so many ways and a goal in my work as a therapist. I’m not opposed to self-disclosure, but it has to make sense and have context, so I’m not sharing my Spotify playlists in session. But what if I did, just once, for all of you? Some of these songs have been on my radar for over a decade. They are truly a piece of my heart that I can be wary of sharing. This is not my whole playlist but I’ve compiled 100 (at the time of writing) specific mental health related listens and broke them down into some potentially relatable categories. 

A few disclaimers: 

  • As the playlist title states, this is Punk, Folk, Indie esque music. That’s just my taste in music. I know that all genres have themes like these and this may not be your style. 

  • There are a lot of lesser known artists in here, so if you and I have a similar taste in music, maybe you can discover something new that connects with you. 

  • Many of these songs have explicit language and themes (like in some of the categories below). I did a single run (I’m not Santa) at my best placement for categories, but it is far from perfect.

  • I apologize in advance for the lack of female artists on this list. I noted them and could count them on one hand. That was humbling.

  • These are all “upbeat” rhythmic songs most of which with incredibly sad lyrics. If that will bring you down rather than make you feel heard, please do not engage with these songs. Listen with caution, know yourself and your limits, and seek professional help as needed.

The playlist can be found here, but did lose a few songs in the transfer, noted at the bottom:

First, a couple of specific shout out songs:

For all men who feel like they can’t get past a mistake they made, I recommend It’s Alright- Mother Mother. I found it to be a healing song that I resonated with, as well. It’s not exclusive to men, but it made me think of many men I’ve worked with and know.

For young people hung up on relationships or situationships with boys, I recommend Don’t Wait for Him- Side Saddle for similar reasons. It’s healing and something I believe is important to hear. The one on the Soundcloud playlist is a cover. The original can be found on most other music streaming platforms.

Self Esteem, Loneliness and Relationships

Human Being- Chris Farren

Clear the Air- Off With Their Heads

Everybody’s Lonely- Jukebox the Ghost

Constant Headache- Joyce Manor

Buttons- The Weeks

everyone blooms- The Front Bottoms

Art School Wannabe- Sorority Noise

I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don’t Want to Die Anymore- Waterparks

Little Nightmares- Brian Fallon

Don’t Overdose and Drive- Happy. 

Holiday- The Get Up Kids

Self Portrait- Handguns

Bullet- Steel Train

The Mistake- AM Taxi (trigger warning- indirect references to forms of suicide)

Nausea- Jeff Rosenstock

Love’s a Liability- Otherkin

Graves- The Color and Sound

Love Myself- Olivia O’Brien (finally a female artist!)

Could Have Been Me- The Struts

Haven’t Been Doing So Well- Frank Turner

It’s Okay Not to Be Okay- Little Hurt

SAD (Clap Your Hands)- Young Rising Sons

Hercules- Fly Away Hero


Them Dirty Bones- Mike Waters

I Just Don’t Care That Much- Matt Maeson

Re-Do- Modern Baseball

Little Lion Man- Tonight Alive (female lead singer!)

Strangers On The Train- Somos

New Religion (Acoustic)- The Heydaze

Find My Own Way- Arrested Youth, Mark Hoppus

Miss Connection- The Keystones

Cheap Beer and Nicotine- littleDEATH

I Don’t Wanna Be An Asshole Anymore- The Menzingers

Alone Sometimes- The Mowgli’s

so am i.-- Super Whatevr

Frustrations Around Life Transitions/State of World

Cold Raviolis- Graduating Life

Everything is Alright- Motion City Soundtrack 

Alternative Radio- Spose 

Alaska- Little Hurt

Where Did All the Love Go?- Kasabian

everyone blooms- The Front Bottoms

The Great Depression- Dave Hause (references 80s kids and Christianity)

Running with the Wolves- Cloud Cult

Away- Trapdoor Social

I’m Not Crying. You’re Not Crying, Are You?- Dear and the Headlights

Post Party Depression- Night Gaunts

Where the Waves are Highest- Common Rider

Therapy- Cold Wrecks (specific mentions to mid-late 20yos)

This Will Be Our Year- OK Go

Numb Little Bug- Em Beihold (female artist!)

Just Existing- daysormay 

Growing Up- Cinders

Ghost of Mariano’s (strong hints of depression)

Thanks, I Hate It- Catapults 

New Confessional- Max Frost

*Equip Sunglasses*- Hot Mulligan

Spaceship- Art Sorority 

Basement- Mute Choir

Candy Coated Lie$- Hot Milk (female lead singer!)

Kids and Heros- The Bouncing Souls

Would You Be Impressed?- Streetlight Manifesto

Feeling Misunderstood

Break a Leg Kid- World War Me

So Much Love to Give- The Glorious Sons

The Underdog- Spoon

The Faster The Treadmill- I Fight Dragons

Weak- AJR

On Your Own- The Maze

Hero- Weezer

Whisper- The Dear Hunter

Figure Me Out- The Summer Set

Comeback Kid- New Politics

Motorcycle, No Motor?- Free Throw

Golden- Farewell Fighter (a little sadder tone, but positive message)

Climbers- Mansions

Good As It Gets- Little Hurt

Over My Head- Sum 41

Feeling “Crazy” 

Doctor- Truslow

Where is my Mind?- The Pixies 

Falling Faster- Dylan Espeseth

Not OK!- Chaz Cardigan

Panic Automatic- Pink Elephants 

Over My Head- Judah & the Lion

Diet Soda Society- The Maine

I Wanna Get Better- Bleachers (suicidal ideation)

we made it.- david hugo (overcoming suicidal ideation)

Adderall- Max Frost

Alcoholism and Drug Use

Recovery- Frank Turner

Bleach (On the Rocks)- John Harvie (also heavy suicidal ideation)

So Much Love to Give- The Glorious Sons (deserves more than one category)

Artificial Confidence- Direct Hit!

Don’t Overdose and Drive- Happy. 

London Drugs- The Menzingers

dwell on the guilt of saving myself- Super Whatevr

Honorable Mentions and Conclusion

I had to list these as honorable mentions because they didn’t make it in the transfer between Spotify and Soundcloud and blogs are best compatible with Soundcloud. Feel free to look up on preferred music streaming service. Also, CHEWIE/Chewing on Tinfoil is one of my favorite bands and they can be impossible to find but are on Spotify at time of writing.

Indonesia Better Be Worth It- Hopes on Hold

Lines That Burn- Tilian

Worries- MxPx

Sons and Mothers- CHEWIE (formerly Chewing on Tinfoil)

Fuck Team Sports- CHEWIE (formerly Chewing on Tinfoil) (tw: reference to gun to head in chorus)

I Rarely Relate- CHEWIE (formerly Chewing on Tinfoil)

In a later post, I’d like to get into the psychology of why songs like these can be so impactful. But in the meantime, I hope you found something that resonated with you. If you’d like to make an appointment with one of our clinicians, you can check out our bios here or make an appointment below. We look forward to working with you.


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